

Tuesday 7 April 2015

The true meaning of friendship, in the legend of Saint George

Many years ago, when not even existed cars or phones, there was a princess who lived with her parents in the castle of a distant village. The princess, not like all of the typical legends, was a hard woman, with great courage and very responsible. She didn’t like what were doing all princesses around as spending the day talking about gentlemen, getting ready for parties every night, living like real queens of the world ... She was something different.

One day she went to the forest for walk, which was right next to the castle. She loved nature, whether she had friends in the forest, such as squirrels, deers, rabbits, foxes, birds ... and a dragon. Yes, yes, a dragon, as you read it. The princess, years ago, was lost in the woods of that realm and she couldn’t leave them. She was scared, though it was a very hard and courageously girl. She was afraid because often had gotten along those paths of the forest and she was known to leave, but until that day it seemed that all was forgotten. Suddenly, there appeared a very strange beside being. She was frightened, but at the moment she looked at it, she knew he only wanted to help. The dragon guided him to the output of that huge forest and she didn’t know how to thank him, so that she promised that if he needed anything it made acquainted.

The princess, walking in the forest, encountered the dragon. She looked at him and noticed that he was very sad, as off. She didn’t know how to find out what happened to his friend and decided to sit beside him and wait for something to happen to give her a clue. It was a couple of minutes beside her, when suddenly she saw a gentleman passing on his big white horse, looking at the dragon sneer and laughing at him. She wanted to know what happened, so she got up and went to talk with the gentleman. The first thing that she said was that why he looked at his friend like that, so he replied that being should not live as I spent the day wandering through the woods alone. The princess, angry with the gentleman, told him that if dared to do something against the dragon, he will regret. The knight ran away and the princess told the dragon that everything was fine, that not suffer.

The next day, the princess came to collect fruits on the forest and she found the gentleman in front of the dragon with a sword stuck right in the chest, and she didn’t know what to do. She ran to him and saw that the dragon was dead fore his own eyes, she looked at the gentleman and a great duel began.

The princess, prepared with their artillery, tried to overthrow the gentleman often without success, until the moment when his sword was less than an inch from his neck. He looked into her eyes, but she remembered something. She thought about whether she really wanted to do this and she looked at the dragon, who had fixed his gaze on her, and she didn’t decide a time plunged the sword into the neck of the knight. Right in the second it would traversing his neck, he heard a sort of cry from the dragon. She looked at him, and knew what he wanted to say:

Don't waste your life with someone who really doesn't deserve to pierce his neck with your sword. Look at me, thank at you I could be happy and understand what friendship really was, and now, my life is over.

She, puzzled, departed the sword from his neck and he ran away. The princess came running to the dragon, that among his chest came a beautiful red rose. She took it with both hands, looked at the dragon and said:

I will never forget you, I promise.

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